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Batak | Sumatra

Mandheling Batak Region of Indonesia Sumatra Coffee BeansCountry: Indonesia - Sumatra
Region: Batak Region, Aceh
Varietal: Typica, Gayo, S-795
Process: Wet-Hulled (Giling Basah)
Altitude: 1500 M
Grade: 1
Certification: Direct Trade
Cupping Notes:Brown Sugar, Dried Dates, Maple Syrup, Subtle, Citrus Acidity

Description:“The origin of Mandheling coffee as a geographical area in the highlands of North Sumatra, Bukit Barisan located around Mount Sorik Marapi and Gunung Kulabu, with an altitude of 1,000-1,600 meters above sea level, fertile volcanic soil types, wet climate and close to the equator. Mandheling Coffee (Mandailing) is one of the most famous specialty coffees in the world.

Mandheling is known as much for its smooth, full body (mouthfeel) as its rich, complex taste. Sumatra Mandheling tasting notes often describe it as earthy and intense with an herbal aroma, not found in South American or African coffees and that’s what makes it unique. With just enough acidity that provide a vibrancy, Mandheling coffee often exhibits tones of sweet chocolate and licorice. The flavor of the coffee develops well because of the rich volcanic soil and tropical climate.”



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