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Be A Pioneer… Gold Mining

Prospector’s Gold – Best Selling Coffee

Prospector’s Gold, one of our customer’s favorites, is also one that brings back heritage of gold mining to our area in which developed the brand – Black Powder Coffee.  Long before the “California Gold Rush”, early pioneers struck it rich here in Reed Creek North Carolina.

History of Gold Mining in Charlotte – Carolina’s Gold Rush

12 year old, Conrad Reed found a nugget of gold in Cabarrus County in 1799, Reed Gold Mine was established.  This 17 lbs nugget was the first authenticated discovery of gold within the United States!  Gold mines in the Charlotte area is known for what made Charlotte’s banking industry with the discovery of two gold mines in the hearth of uptown; Rudisill mine & St. Catherine’s.  Robert M. Miller, co-owned Rudisill Mine and was one of the original board members of Commercial Bank, today’s Wells Fargo.

Learn more from this article from Charlotte Five.

Check out Reed Gold Mine

Innovation in Coffee Roasting

We consider ourselves to be “pioneers” in roasting coffee.  We aren’t trying to mass produce, become the most well known brand……although that would be nice!   but when it comes to roasting coffee, we are looking for our “gold”.

  • Sourcing green coffee beans from the right farms – Direct and Fair Trade. Making sure that the beans we select for our roasting are responsibly harvested.
  • 21 Origins – we select beans from different areas, Indonesia (not many local roasters roast coffee from this area based on pricing), Americans (South America & Mexico), & African.
  • Constant Improvements and Cupping – Innovation is part of what makes us pioneers, we are constantly looking to improve, develop and provide the best tasting coffee.

Just like the area in which we live, roast and call home, we look back to the history in gold mining and use this as navigation in our coffee roasting.

Be a Pioneer…..Drink Craft Coffee.

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