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Bean Release: Brazil Peaberry | Fazenda Do Salto

Bean Release: Brazil Peaberry | Fazenda Do Salto

New Brazil Peaberry

Farmer: Fabio Araujo Reis 

Altitude: 1,080 to 1,140

Process: Natural 

Varietals: Yellow Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Catuai, Icatu

Certifications: Rainforest Alliance 

Notes: Buttery, carmel, hazelnut, brown sugar finish.

Rainforest Alliance-Certified Coffee

Small family farm in Carmo da Cachoeira, Brazil, Mr. Reis works with his family and 35 employees that grew up in the area. Coffee is mechanically harvested and dried on rotational and static layer dryers.  Cold air drying process before switching to warm air to control moisture content.  


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