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Citra Hop Nitro Cold Brew | New Release

Citra Hop Nitro Cold Brew | New Release

Citra Hop Nitro Cold Brew 

Craft coffee meets craft beer. Most collaborations of the two are adding coffee into a beer, we thought.... lets do the opposite, lets add some hops into a coffee. We partnered with our friends over at Commoners Brewing Company in Concord NC to bring to you a hoppy cold brew coffee. With experimentation and testing, we have brought to you an hop friendly cold brew with tastes of the floral and citrus finish that Citra hops provide.

Citra Hop Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

The Cold Brew

Special blend of single origin beans from Indonesia and African origins. A sweet body with a hint of cocoa and sweet creamy finish.  Blend of Full City Plus, Full City and City roasts.

Combining our C4 Cold Brew that has been a favorite of local coffee shops, restaurants, cafes and markets, we wanted to do something that blends with beer lovers!     

The Citra Hops 

Development of the hoppy side of the cold brew. By adding most well know hops in the market, as well as one of my favorites when it comes to IPA's, Citra hops.  Citra hops bring a natural flora aroma and citrus finish.  We wanted to combine something that wouldn't be over powering but would give off the aroma and mouthful of a hop infused beverage. 

Low acidity. Optional to add cream or sweetener - you can enjoy this Citra Hop Nitro Infused Cold Brew straight or over ice!  Pairs well before or after your favorite IPA of choice!

Keep a look out for this coming to breweries and bottle shops for beer & coffee lovers! Pre-order or interested in bringing in the Citra Hop Cold Brew into your shop, contact us here.

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