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Pioneering the Best in Cold Brew Coffee

Enjoying delicious small batch craft coffee in cold brew form. Black Powder Coffee has 3 blends of cold brew coffee developed to perfection.

Consumption of cold brew coffee has definitely grown in popularity. Check out a previous article, What’s The Deal About The Cold Brew Coffee

C4 Blend
The right balance of beans and roast levels to generate a delicious cold brew blend. Customized with the perfect blend of beans from the beginning, middle and end.  The smooth creamy flavor in our dark roast C4 blend has become our customer’s favorite. We keep kegs of nitro cold brew on tap with this one.

Firecracker Blend 
Our medium roast, blend of single origin beans from American and African regions. This firecracker of a blend, smooth bold flavor, nutty and chocolaty all at the same time!

Blasting Cap Blend
Blend Looking for a smooth delicious cold brew in decaf? We got it! Our Blasting Cap Blend delivers. This decaffeinated cold brew blend of beans perfect for an all day brew.

Enjoy a cup of cold brew next time you see us on tap, add ice, creamer or sweetener. Interested in brewing cold brew your self, test out your brewing techniques on your own with a toddy system. Be ready for a dynamite cup of cold brew. #TasteBudExplosion

As always – Low Acidity

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