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Update: Giving Tuesday – Support Your Local Animal Humane

Update 12/19/18: For Giving Tuesday, Black Powder Coffee was able to match $175 dollars to be donated to the Lake Norman Humane Society.  We appreciate everyone who purchased coffee on #GivingTuesday and helped us pay it forward to the animals who need homes!

Support Your Local Animal Shelters

As we enter into the holidays, we would like to take the time to think about others.  There are less fortunate and ones in need.  Our furry friends aren’t able to get what they need themselves, they rely on the help of humans and they aren’t able to fend for themselves. Today on Giving Tuesday, Black Powder Coffee will be donating a percentage of our sales to Lake Norman Humane.

Black Powder Coffee will be donating a percentage of our sales on Tuesday, November, 27th 2018. Please visit our online store to pick up a bag of coffee, percentage of proceeds will help supply our animals with their necessities. We will also match donations on our Facebook page up to $500 match.  Visit our Facebook page to help show your support. Black Powder Facebook Page

Learn more about Lake Norman Humane:

Website: www.lakenormanhumane.org

Facebook: Lake Norman Humane

Please help us in showing our support for our furry friends that need food, shelter and forever homes.  Adopt Don’t Shop!

More about Black Powder Coffee and how we support our local community. 

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