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What in the name – Black Powder Coffee

Black Powder name is derived from the first United States gold rush right here in Reed Creek North Carolina – long before the California Gold Rush. Harkening back to a day when the work was hard but rewarding…..so is our masterful roast profiles combined with bean selection to create a sweet and creamy, dry finish to our product. Innovation with bourbon & cognac infused along with our artisan created/recorded roast profiles using the San Franciscan SF25 gas roaster. Also, when you grind coffee beans you get BLACK POWDER!

Why We Started Roasting & Cold brew Concentrate

After traveling the world enjoying unique and flavorful coffee, the local market lacked the quality that was possible. With over two years in product development in our home, we expanded into a small industrial shop in Mooresville, NC to share our craft with others in April 2014. As a local family owned coffee roaster we wanted to provide the best quality coffee to our community.

Our coffee beans are only SHB, super hard beans, grown in the high elevation farms that produce maximum and unique flavors. All the coffee beans we use are Black Powder Certified.

Our roasting process is gentle and meticulous to drive the maximum flavor from the single origin bean. We do mix a few origins together to create an artist’s palette of flavors to make a wonderful blend. In 2016, Black Powder added Artisan software for roast profiling via a Raspberry Pi to better document and repeat the unique roast styles that were created over years as a hobbyist at home.

Then, we tried the iced coffees at your local major coffee shop and said “yuck!”. Tried the pre-bottled frap and others…..”Does iced coffee need to taste bad? NO!!” After visiting New Orleans and San Diego, the iced coffee was awesome. We developed a product at home trying many blends and roast levels to have creaminess and dry finish with world-class taste. The product line of cold brewed coffee concentrate that makes the perfect iced coffee, food recipes, or mixed drink [Cold Brew Process & Recipes].

Who We Are – Local Family Owned Coffee Roaster

We are a local family owned coffee roaster and woman operated small business. The Stahlman’s are a family of four that live in Mooresville, North Carolina. The business is led by Melissa Stahlman, CEO & President, after years of volunteering, prior corporate roles in marketing and in the legal field. Some of her current volunteer activities include PTO/PTSO with MGSD schools and Pride in Motion activities. Dave Stahlman, Roaster, spent many years in corporate America in engineering, sourcing, operations, and marketing/sales. This included many multi-week trips to Europe, Africa, India, Australia, China, Latin America and South America. He also volunteers with the Boy Scouts of America program with experiences as Cub Master, Den Leader, and currently Troop Committee Chair. Melissa and Dave were originally from western Pennsylvania and have resided the last 16 years in central piedmont of North Carolina.

Black Powder Roasting Company is self-certified as a Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) per the Small Business Administration process.

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