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Fabio Araujo Reis | Brazil Natural Reserve

Brazil Natural Processed Coffee from Fabio Araujo Reis coffee farmer

Brazil Salto Estate:

Country: Brazil

Region: Carmo da Cachoeira / South of Minas Gerais

Varietal: Various

Farmer: Fabio Araujo Reis

Process: Pulped Natural

Altitude: 1230 M

Grade: 16+

Certification: Direct Trade, RFA, UTZ, 4C

 Brazil Natural Processed Coffee Natural Processed brazil coffee

Description: Fabio Araújo has been fond of growing coffee for a long time. At a very young age, he first had contact with coffee. He attended Medical School and even during university, Fabio dedicated himself to producing coffee. Today, Fazenda do Salto is run by Fabio and his sons André and Juca. They are always striving to produce quality coffee by aiming at excellence. Fabio is always aware of the importance of sustainability, environmental and social issues.

Salto has won a regional competition for best coffee hosted by Cocatrel in years 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017!

         Brazil Natural Processed Farmers in Carmo da Cachoeira region  Salto coffees from Brazil  Fabio Araujo Reis Salto Coffee Farms in Brazil

In addition to coffee, the Reis family are very passionate about the Mangalarga Marchador horse breed. With much success at competitions, Salto Estate has shown to have a dedication for excellence in all that they do.

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