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Aldea Global | Nicaragua

Aldea Global Nicaragua

Aldea Global Nicaraguan coffee farmer

Founded in 1992, 22 small farmers coming together to produce some of the best Nicaragua coffee beans. Their farm helps improve the life and community of the farmers involved while practicing environmentally sustainable and agricultural practices growing some of the highest quality coffee beans. Aldea focuses on direct trade to build relationships and improve quality and trace-ability of their beans to the end user.

Farmer: Aldea GlobalNicaraguan Fair Trade Coffee beans

Farm Certifications: Fair Trade

Preparation: Shade grown production, hand-picked and sun-dried.

Altitude: 1,100 – 1,450 meters above sea level.

Harvest Period: November – March

Varietals: Caturra and Catuai

Tasting Notes: Hazelnut, red plum, candied almond.

              nicaraguan coffee  fair trade nicaraguan coffee 

We are excited about the addition of these beans into our lineup. Offering in single origin and will be a vital addition to some of our custom in-house blends.

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