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Tembo Farmer | Tanzania Peaberry

Tembo Tanzania Peaberry

Tempo Coffee Farm Tanzania Peaberry

"Tweega" is our version of the Swahili word for "Giraffe". Like the long necks of of a giraffe, in search for the perfect coffee beans. Black Powder Coffee is happy to have this one in our line up.  One of our favorites that is a great single origin and also used in a few of our custom in-house blends. Here is a bit about the farm and where our Tanzania Peaberry coffee comes from. 

Origin – TanzaniaTwenga Single Origin Coffee From Tanzania

Location at Origin – Southern Highlands

Name of Farm – Tembo

Grade –Tweega AA

Processing method – Wet-processing, sun-dried, green coffee is graded and sorted at Tembo’s facilty in Mbeya

Altitude – 1,400 -2,000 meters

Plant Varietal – Bourbon & Typica

Soil – Fertile volcanic soil that is lightly acidic, rich in nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium

Total surface area – Tweega Coffee comes from the washing stations in the Southern Highlands from over 10,000 small farmers.

Cupping Notes – Silky with notes of burgundy, pear, and tangerine.  Very refreshing acidity and juicy body.  Fruity finish.

Tanzania Coffee FarmerTanzania Tempo Coffee Farm

Farm/Farmer information – Harvest period for these coffees is June-August & September-February. The Mbeya region consists of roughly 400,000 smallholder farmers that own, on average, 500 trees each. Many practice subsistence farming methods and all their coffee is handpicked.

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