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Fazenda do Salto | Brazil Peaberry

Fazenda do Salto | Brazil Peaberry

Fazenda do Salto coffee farmer

Origin – Brazil Peaberry            

Location at Origin – Sul de Minas

Name of Farm – Fazenda do Salto

Processing method – Natural

Altitude – 1,080 to 1,140 masl

Plant Varietal – Yellow Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Catuai, Icatu

Certifications – Rainforest Alliance

Cupping Notes – Buttery, caramel, hazelnut, brown sugar finish

Brazil Peaberry Coffee Farm Rainforest Alliance Certified Brazil Peaberry High Altitude Coffee farm in Brazil  Brazil Peaberry green coffee beans drying

Farm/Farmer information – Owner, Dr. Fabio Araujo Reis runs his farm as a family business with his two sons and daughter in the Sul de Minas region of Brazil. Employing 35 local residents, their coffee is harvested mechanically and dried on 8 rotational machine and dryers, which maintain constant airflow with a combination of cold and warm air. Initially, the coffee dries in static boxes for 12 hours during pre-fermentation. Cold air is utilized to dry the cherries for four days before switching to warm air for three additional days until moisture content reaches 15 percent. For the final drying phase, the coffee is exposed to intermittent warm and cold air every 12 hours until it reaches 11 percent moisture. In the cup, this single-estate coffee presents classic notes of hazelnut, caramel and brown sugar.

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