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How you can make the best coffee at home.

How you can make the best coffee at home.

Preparing your coffee at home can be as simple or complex as you desire, the only thing we recommend is that you enjoy it! Brewing coffee starts with the basics, great quality fresh roasted coffee, necessary equipment and a inviting atmosphere. 

What do you need to brew coffee at home?

Step 1: Always use the freshest coffee possible!

  • Use fresh roasted coffee and grind right before brewing. Here is one of our favorite at-home grinders.
  • Since we roast to order, we recommend consumption of coffee from day 2-30. Giving your coffee a few days to degas allows the perfect flavor to come out from day 3-7.
  • Best way to ensure your coffee stays fresh is figure out your usage and set up a reoccurring order.  Pro-tip, you also save some money when creating a coffee subscription! 

Step 2: How are you going to brew it? Make sure you have everything you need to brew. (Grind style makes a difference for each brew method)

  • Simple as automatic coffee brewer brands like Mr. Coffee and Ninja coffee makers.
  • Pour overs like V60 and Chemex carafes
  • French press coffee
  • Espresso brewed with at home espresso brewers to Moko pots.  

Step 3: Make sure you have the perfect coffee to water ratio and water temperature! 

  • 1/16-1/18 coffee to water ratio
  • Water temperature from 195 degrees to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Step 4: Enjoy!


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