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Southern Star Bourbon Infused Coffee

The Southern Star Cask Strength Bourbon Infused coffee is here!

Southern Star is a Statesville, NC distillery that has opened this year (2017). By partnering with a local small business, Black Powder was able to infuse coffee with many different variations of the bourbon whiskey. Then finding the right one to make an outstanding product.


This bourbon is made from high rye in open vats, in addition to how the pioneers did in the exact same spot in Statesville, North Carolina. This technic drive a stronger flavor profile in the bourbon, along with the cask aging to made a perfect fluid. This provides an integration into the green coffee. Black Powder selects Costa Rican Tarrazu Region beans for this process. Due to this process it allows the beans and the bourbon to age together, before a methodical roasting profile. Furthermore, alcohol evaporates at 174F and we roast at 435F making the product alcohol free in the process, but FULL OF FLAVOR.

This will be limited stock for the processing time is long and the bourbon is scarce.

To learn more visit here.

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