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Venison Chili with Added Coffee Flavor

Venison Chili Recipe with Black Powder Coffee Coldbrew Concentrate – C4

For years we have added coffee to our chili to add a depth of flavor. Now that we have our own coffee roasting business, i didn’t understand the flavor difference of adding a nice dark roasted Sumatra or Sulawesi vs a lighter roasted Colombian. Wow. Experiment for your self or use the C4 Concentrate to maximize the flavor.

1 hr 40 minutes (or crockpot for 4-6 hrs)

Serves: 6


  • 1lbs ground venison
  • medium onion, chopped (sweet if you can find them)
  • medium green pepper, chopped
  • 32 ounces  red kidney beans
  • 28 ounces tomato paste
  • 14 12ounces diced tomoatoe (chili style)
  • tablespoons chili powder
  • teaspoon salt (grey Mediterranean is best)
  • 1 bay leaf, broken in half
  • 1teaspoon paprika (can use smoked paprika for extra depth of flavor)
  • 1teaspoon cayenne (add a little Red Hot too)
  • tablespoons ground cumin
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • fresh ground pepper
  • cup water
  • 1/2 cup C4 Coffee Concentrate (or black coffee, darker roasted beans from Indonesia) buy here
  1. Brown the venison in a stock pot (I use non-stick).
  2. Add onion and pepper, saute until slightly soft, about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Add remaining ingredients, cover, and simmer for 1.5 hours.
  4. I prefer shredded sharp cheddar cheese and sometimes from long-grain rice
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